About the Artist


Always pushing the photographic medium in new dimensions, SuZen’s artwork evolved from working in the darkroom and exhibiting in galleries and museums to entering NYC’s public arena – with a 40′ x 25′ painted mural of her photo, Flowing Light, on 42nd Street in Times Square.

Over the years, SuZen’s art has transformed her photography to multi-media installations with multiple projections and digital imaging. She is also a graphic and fashion designer. Lover of cats, she designed a line of feline fashion for cat lovers. Check out her wonderful creations under Shop.

As founder of Art For the People, she created numerous public events around NYC including “Coming From Blindness Into Sight”, her first performance/installation in the lobby of One World Trade Center, which celebrated her name change on the first day of Spring in 1982. Commemorating the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, SuZen organized the first of many Universal Peace Day events in Central Park. Followed by “Between Spaces”, a four-women performance/installation collaboration at JFK Airport, funded by National Endowment for the Arts inter-arts grant.

At her 50 year retrospective, VISIONS of LIGHT & SPIRIT, SuZen premiered Transmigration, a multi-media installation, inspired by Buddha’s teaching. It is the culmination of her ongoing theme of Reality and Illusion with multiple layers, light and spirit.

SuZen’s photography is exhibited in museums and galleries internationally, including Museum Ludwig, Herbert F. Johnson Museum and Zabriskie Gallery and is in many collections including the Library of Congress, Denver Museum of Art, and Bibliotheque National of Paris.

During lockdown living in Portugal, SuZen wrote a book, “Things I Learned Along the Way – A Spiritual Journey”, which is available on Amazon (bit.ly/Things_Learned).

Recently, SuZen exhibited her FOGseries at Chase Bank in NYC’s West Village. Her dream-like color photos taken along the Hudson River and other locations, capture ethereal magical realms to enter. They are part of SuZen’s ongoing theme of Light & Spirit